Frequently Asked Questions
Does this new HRMC ruling apply to all UK businesses? Yes. All UK Corporations, Sole traders and Partnerships can apply for a tax claim back. Is there a time limit on this tax claim back opportunity? Yes. You can only claim back the last two years of paid tax. If you wait until next tax year you will not be able to claim back 2018 tax year payment. Actually if you claim now you can also include this tax your in your claim back and avoid the log jam of claims that will hit the HRMC once companies become aware of this provision. Will admitting that I was not GDPR compliant result in being fined? No! Companies only receive a regulatory fine if they have had a data breach, reported this to the ICO and have been investigated and found to be negligent with regard to GDPR compliance. What is your criteria for taking on a No Win - No Fee GDPR Claim Back case? We will take on any company that has paid £10,000 to the HMRC in tax in the last two years. How long does a claim take before I receive my corporation take repayment? Typically the process from starting the tax claim back to receiving your money takes 6 to 12 weeks to complete. Will I need to spend the re paid corporation tax on GDPR requirements? No. This is your money and you can use it how you see fit. The HMRC have no say in how the repaid money will be spent. What is your fee? We charge the standard No Win – No Fee of 30% of the claim. Are there any stealth fees or hidden costs to your service? No! Our service is strictly No Win – No Fee. You will NOT pay for anything! Guaranteed! Will you need to visit my office to set this claim up? No. Just like an accountant does not need to come to you to audit your accounts we will perform the entire claim process via email and if needed registered post. Is the Tax Claim Back process time consuming? No. We can perform the entire process on the telephone and over the internet. We deal with every aspect of the claim. Are there any risks in making a GDPR Tax claim back? None! You are making a legitimate claim to have the tax you paid refunded. Also as legally required of lawyers, solicitors and barristers everything is completely confidential. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 011 2031 or send an email to

Frequently Asked Questions